Monday, April 18, 2005

Top of the World

Somewhere between India and US

I hadn’t asked for a window seat, so it was pretty boring just watching people around you. But thank god, there was a small baby and its mother (she seemed to be like kid) and it started crying. Trying to make in stop crying and then laugh, each time it stops and I turn around again it had started (was it scared of me?). Somehow, it was a nice time pass for sometime.

Out of curiosity, first time when I asked the Air Hostess, where exactly we are, it was Afghanistan, over the hills of Afghanistan.

One thing I had noticed in Air India was the hostesses were working (or allowed to work?) even after the young age. Still the charm they showed, the courtesy, the way they approached different people, handled each ones different mood, it was quite interesting to quietly observe them.

Other than that, a book was my time pass (?) “Diary of a Young Girl”, somewhere I came across an about the book. It was the situation in which the content of the book was written interested me to buy that book before hand for this travel time pass. But the book turned out to be a disappointment for me (may be few places of that book really made think a lot after sometime that’s all).

Didn’t know what time it was, didn’t know what part of the day it was, and I was just reading the book, gazing around and eating whatever had passed my way ;-), whether it was a drink or a snack or a lunch or dinner whatever it was. This was another good time pass, tasting all the food, juices, and snacks :-)

What date is it ?!
Paris, France.

First halt was in Paris, there was a cleanup of the flight, god! How dirty the flight was (the same people, once they reach US or any foreign countries where there are strict regulations and fine’s for this kind of behavior how responsible they behave, why don’t they have that individual responsibility when they are given a freedom, this is the difference between the life in India and in US).

Here, you keep your car in wrong side for a second while driving then fine, park in a wrong place for a moment fine, put your dustbin just outside fine… whatever you do, there is a path to follow. You aren’t allowed to deviate from it.

But in India, we are given so much freedom, one laid down our own paths, be ourselves, but the Individual responsibility is the one that is missing among a majority of the people. When in Cal, while freaking out, if we don’t find a dustbin (which happens 99% of the time), we put the papers or whatsoever we have in our pockets till we reach our home or see one, somehow or the other this habit had become a practice for us and even if one of us had forgotten, the other would remind promptly.
City was green, organized, skyscrapers (wanted to see Eiffel Tower, but didn’t see it), cars, a typical foreign city ?! As in movies :-)

At last after crew change and lots of other formalities the flight started. Next landing should be in the New Ark airport (which I was thinking its New York and why everyone are pronouncing so different, until I realized this is a different place than New York).

Same routine and I managed to while off till we reached New Ark.


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